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      Ethernet Leased Lines are a high-speed, reliable broadband solution for businesses. They are particularly suitable for businesses that require a stable, dedicated connection with low latency and high speeds and reliability with it’s 5 hour SLA repair time.

      One of the main benefits of Ethernet Leased Lines is their speed. Depending on the plan you choose, businesses can access speeds of up to 10 Gbps both as a download and upload speed. These speeds are suitable for businesses with heavy internet usage, such as cloud services, video conferencing, online collaboration, and streaming video.

      Ethernet Leased Lines are also a reliable option for businesses. Because the connection is delivered over fibre optic cables with a dedicated fibre connection from the exchange to your business, it is less prone to interference and degradation than other types of broadband. This ensures that businesses have a stable and consistent connection.

      In terms of cost, Ethernet Leased Lines can be more expensive than other broadband options. However, for businesses that require ultra-fast speeds and high levels of reliability, the cost may be justified. It’s important for businesses to carefully consider their needs and choose the right broadband solution to meet those needs.

      Centric Communications offers Ethernet Leased Lines to businesses as part of its telecom services. The team at Centric Communications has extensive knowledge and experience in the telecom industry and can provide expert advice on the best broadband solution for different business needs. In addition, Centric Communications offers support and maintenance services to help businesses keep their broadband connection working.

      In conclusion, Ethernet Leased Lines are a high-speed, reliable broadband solution for businesses in the UK. They offer ultra-fast speeds and stable connections, making them suitable for businesses with heavy internet usage.


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